Yesterday, I decided that it was too complicated and time-consuming for Dan to take a bus or train from O'Hare to South Bend so I would drive to get him. He thanked me for my "generous offer." The traffic was so heavy and there was a detour and I missed holding up our transponder to some open tolling places and signs to the cell phone lot were small and I was told to move on at the terminal. But we did meet up on my second round and the ride back to South Bend, even though I 294 was a parking lot at times, was a pleasant one of conversation with my son.
I don't like to drive. I incorporate errands so that I am not on the road for extended times. But I like to go places and I hope I can meet the challenge of driving for many years yet. It's a sad day when one's keys are confiscated by others. I hope I can give it up before that happens as well.
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